ReapChain X Kuno Soft MOU
1. Partner’s Name
Kuno Soft Co., Ltd.
2. Counterparty Website
3. Counterparty Details
Kunosoft Co., Ltd., led by CEO Jang Kwan Cho, who has a master’s degree in Soongsil University, led by key executives with more than 20 years of know-how in the IoT field, all executives and employees are operating as an affiliated research institute-oriented organization with R&D personnel.
In the past 10 years, we have conducted more than 50 research projects related to IoT security, blockchain, and AI, and continue to develop next-generation IoT technologies, and were selected as the top prize in corporate growth at Korea University Future Technology Promotion Center.
Currently, it is developing and providing blockchain-based IoT smart space management system to Korea University SK Future Hall.
4. Applicable Date(s)
5. Partnership Details
ReapChain and KunoSoft agreed that security issues for individual objects should be resolved at a time when the issue of security vulnerabilities against external attacks is emerging in the existing IoT system. Through this agreement, both sides will jointly research and develop a global standard decentralized identity verification system based on lip chain that solves the existing trilemma problem of the blockchain, and secure and commercialize the ecosystem of the blockchain-based IoT platform service.
In addition, the two companies are planning to provide IoT security service that minimizes inconvenience to users by researching ways to enhance IoT security and to make it more convenient for users to use through S2K authentication technology of Kunosoft.
KunoSoft and ReapChain, which are active in the development of blockchain platforms and IoT security solutions, will secure trust among system users by developing a global standard identification system through this agreement.
It is expected that IoT and blockchain can be combined in earnest by applying the technology of ReapChain in IoT smart space management in progress at KunoSoft.
6. Associated links
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